Episode 4 – Tonga, Sump Fish, Vinegar eats plastic, idiots and this “expensive” hobby!
Rich gives us a run down on his trip to Tonga, we discuss if vinegar can eat aquarium plastics, idiot-proofing tanks, and the (some would say) lament of how expensive […]
Episode 3 – MACNA Recap – Hurricane, Biggerman, Sanjay, and the Beast
MACNA Recap with Rich and Terence recalling their experiences at MACNA, discussing the award winners, some new products, Sanjays talk, and whether or not the hurricane even mattered. Links to […]
Episode 2 – Summertime blues, captive bred fish you can never seem to find, and why can’t we all just get along!?
We discuss in this podcast how it seems the reef gets kind of ignored in the summer, and sometimes suffers. And, it seems every month there is yet another huge […]
Episode 1 – Vacations, Tongs, and Extinction
Rich and Terence discuss Terence’s tank issues upon returning from vacation. Rich talks about aquarium planning for his upcoming trip. The guys also chat about the role of aquarists in […]
The First Show
Join Richard Ross and Terence Fugazzi for the very first show of this podcast. Terence and Rich chat about whats going on in their own tanks, roller mat filters, a sustainable hobby, and much more. So have a listen!
Pilot Episode – The first show!
Join Richard Ross and Terence Fugazzi for the very first show of this podcast. Terence and Rich chat about whats going on in their own tanks, roller mat filters, a […]
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