We reef. And we know things

The Skimmate PodCast with Rich and Terence. It’s a podcast, about reef keeping, by two reef keepers that are polarizing enough to be interesting.
Terence says – Rich and I decided that we mattered – to ourselves! And so we wanted to make a podcast that would share our passion for the marine aquarium and reef keeping hobby, our knowledge about it, and most importantly have some fun doing it. So we created The Skimmate Podcast. We hope you join us for about an hour every couple of weeks as we talk (hopefully) about interesting things while giving you some good insight with topics on new products, industry highlights, husbandry tips, and ethical reefkeeping – but most importantly, engage you and make you think.
Rich says – Terence is so straight laced, while I am a nut, so this podcast should be fun.
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